Jack (my nephew) was 2 ½ in May of 2013 when he was diagnosed with Leukemia. Never EVER did we expect to hear that this sweet baby had cancer. Our world stopped and our focus went to Jack and how to get him better. He was immediately sent from South Jersey to CHOP. He was admitted inpatient for a month.The battle was very hard. All of this was brand new and a complete roller coaster. He received chemo, radiation and eventually a bone marrow transplant in January 2014. His brother Michael gave him the MOST AMAZING GIFT EVER! Michael (then 5 years old) was a 10/10 PERFECT match for Jack. Our prayers had been answered.The journey never truly ends, but we are so thankful for the care that Jack continues to receive from CHOP and proud to say he is part of the SURVIVORSHIP PROGRAM. Jack (11 years old), loves to spend time with his family and friends and all things kids his age enjoy. He loves to fish, play sports, boogie board and explore the woods.We are so thankful for Jack’s health. We realize that every day we should count our blessings and be more like Jack. His smile is contagious and can bring happiness to everyone.Jack is my why. He is why we continue to raise funds for pediatric cancer families and research. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart for making this all possible!​
Chrissy Stapleton - Founder
Support Our Community and Fund Research
We have connected ourselves with many families living the journey of pediatric cancer. Our goal is to lighten the load of families living right in our community that carry the burden during this troubling time. Another way we support these families is by continuing to fund pediatric cancer research.